Sunday, January 6, 2008

Plunge It......

"HOWEVER, i think it should be pointed out that ALL things spiritual/religious are someones interpretation. [Rob] bell’s message is just another path toward spritual discovery and relationship with God. if people connect with his message and it assists them on their personal journey forward, then that’s really all that matters in the end. fear and ignorance keep people from questioning and searching. rob bell wants to see people free to explore the vast love and beauty of God. he encourages people to ask questions and seek answers, but also to be okay with the fact that there is NEVER one interpretation… being open to this makes us more educated, empathetic individuals. no one’s going to hell for searching… and no one’s going to hell for thinking the bible might not be entirely literal or completely inerrant. to take it a step further… i don’t believe anyone’s going to hell for not being SURE that there’s only one way to heaven. faith is full of doubt and confusion. we choose to believe and we allow ourselves to become comfortable with all that we can’t know. a wise person
once said, “the instant we believe we know everything is the instant we stop
learning” (and growing)."
Comment on discussion of The Reformed Evangelist's review of Rob Bell's "The God's Aren't Angry" Tour

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